Issue #47 of the Ken Chronicles

The Ken Chronicles #47, was published in early May, 2018, and features a full color cover due to my monotone laser copier dying on me. It's digest-sized with 24 pages including the cover wrap and contains numerous photos inside, most of them in b&w. Besides the usual letters of comment, there are articles on new music, getting away to Florida for the winter, and "People, Places & Things That Aren't There Anymore." Some reviews of books, videos, movies and zines closes out this issue. (Sample page below.) "Ken's always on the move, always fixing something around the house, always working on some fascinating new project. My favorite part of every issue (is) "People, Places & Things (that aren't there anymore)," about old friends, old neighborhoods, and old places or businesses that Ken used to frequent." – Kris Mininger of Chorrada zine "Ken's zine is always kind of laid back in a way. ...