the Ken Chronicles #60

The Ken Chronicles #60 was released on July 21st, 2021, and is a digest-sized perzine with 28 pages, including the cover wrap. The black & white paper version is available, postpaid to the USA for $3 (or as a 4-issue sub for only $10). The color PDF version can be sent to your inbox for $2. Trades are encouraged. Contact This issue features Letters of Comment; People, Places & Things (that aren't there anymore); Computers; Critters; Pinball; Philosophy; Headphones; Medical Adventures; Wildlife; and book/zine & Netflix Reviews. "These issues are packed with great stuff! And letters! There's a real sense of community in tKC,a solid back and forth between Ken and his readers. Sixty issues, folks!" – Kris Mininger (part of his review in Xerography Debt # 51) "It's always a treat to catch up with Ken's Chronicles." " favorite piece was about his visit to Rock Fantasy, a record/CD/head shop that has close t...