the Ken Chronicles #61

The Ken Chronicles #61 – the November, 2021 issue – was released in mid-October. There's a letters of comment section (of course), and a look at Shoeless Joe Jackson and baseball, an old house in Brooklyn, and an old movie theater in Queens. We also visit Lake Minnewaska (upstate New York) and New York City's Highline as well as the new Little Island Park in the Chelsea area. There are reviews of some movies, a video, a book and some zines, as well as a search for the location depicted in an old photo. Lastly, we look at a computer keyboard, some DIY tips, and a new record turntable. It's digest sized and has 24 pages, including the cover wrap – available in the b&w paper version, postpaid to the USA for $3 (a 4-issue sub is only $10); a color PDF version, sent to your inbox, is available for $2. Trades are always considered. Contact me at "The best features of good old zining: readers letters, responses to readers letters, little anecdotes he...