the Ken Chronicles #64

#64, the August, 2022, issue of my Chronicles was released on Tuesday, July 26th; it's got 24 digest-sized pages (5 1/2 x 8 1/2-inches), including the cover wrap. Inside are the usual: Letters of Comment, People, Places & Things (that aren't there anymore); What I've been reading lately (including zine reviews); all about relining a chimney; building a gazebo; and a look back at some guys I grew up with. Paper version available in b&w, postpaid to your US address for $4; also available as a full color PDF version sent to your inbox for $2. I'm also receptive to trades; what have you got?Contact: "Classic perzine content delivered in a friendly, avuncular style." – Matt Fagen (XD #54 Review) "I review Ken's zines in almost every issue, but I can't help myself. They are one of my favorites and I don't want to miss a chance to tell people about the new issues." – Davida Breier (XD #53)