the Ken Chronicles #65

tKC #65, the November issue, has been completed early and officially released October 3rd, with subscriber copies mailed out on October 4th. This one is digest-sized, 28 pages (including the cover wrap) and contains a Letters of Comment section; People, Places & Things (that aren't There Anymore); a DIY project; a long Weekend in New York City; a trip Back to Brooklyn; some zine reviews, and random thoughts. Available on paper, postpaid to the USA, for $4 or a fair trade (a 4-issue sub is just $12). Or order the full-color PDF version delivered to your inbox for only $2 (or a similar trade). Order the paper version and receive the color version upon request for FREE! "It's a delightful, easy read documenting Ken's life..." – Anne Thalheimer review in Xerography Debt #53 Contact: for more info or to order.