the Ken Chronicles #71

The latest issue of my Ken Chronicles (#71) was released the first week in May, 2024, and mailed to subscribers and trading partners. It's 28 digest-sized pages, containing what has become somewhat of a popular combination of original photos and articles: readers' comments; story about selecting hearing aids; People, Places & Things that aren't There Anymore (Giovanni Mosconi from Monte's Tratoria, vintage homes in Richmond Hill, NY, Steeplechase Park/Coney Island); remembering the first night I drove my first car and some wild & crazy girlfriends; trying to identify people in old photos; Vertigo; reviews of plays, movies, books & zines; and some assorted bits & pieces. Available in b&w on paper, postpaid to the USA for $5 (or a fair trade) or as a color PDF delivered to your inbox for $2 (or similar trade). Foreign orders or trades, please inquire. Contact: for more info.