Issue #39 of the Ken Chronicles

Issue #39 was released around May, 2016, and is 28 digest-sized pages in b&w. It contains readers' feedback & comments; a story about the condo we were able to rent in Florida, for the winter, for $950 a month (plus electric); a bunch of people I met in Florida who all had ties to places I've lived in New York; what I've been reading (including zines), and watching (movies) lately; and "Updates, Oddities & Random Thoughts."

Review by Davids Gypsy Breier (publishes Xerography Debt and Leeking Inc.):
In the Ken Chronicles #39, Ken and his wife Ro return to Florida to escape the cold mid-Atlantic winter. As much as anything, I am always impressed how much Ken has his shit together. He figures out how to travel on a fixed income, repairs things, and is there for other people. I was amused to read that he was roped into becoming the new editor for the condo association newsletter where he winters. I still use Quark and was interested to learn there is a Quark app for iPads.

Review by Kris Mininger (produces the perzine Chorrada):
Ken is a retired auto mechanic who has more energy than most people half his age. (He definitely has way more energy than me.) In #39 he and his wife head to Florida for an extended stay. Ken is big into details. He shares tons of practical info on what he’s learned about finding cheap flights, rental cars, etc. This is good stuff, especially for my recently retired parents (who read my copies of the Chronicles when I’m finished with them). Ken also reviews books, zines, and movies as well. (I agree, A Walk in the Woods was a huge pile of crap.)  

Available in the b&w print version, postpaid to the USA
for $3 cash or payable to my PayPal account.
If you purchase the print version, I'll
throw in the FREE full-color PDF version
sent directly to your inbox
(or available on its own for $2).
Contact: Ken Bausert, 2140 Erma Drive, East Meadow, NY 11554.


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