Issue #41 of the Ken Chronicles

Issue #41contains one of my favorite cover wraps; even though the b&w version looks totally different than the color version, I like them both a lot. The print version is b&w, 28 digest-sized pages, and I didn't want to infringe on the front cover image so I put the zine title on the back; there are also a few color photos scattered among the interior pages. By this issue, I've settled on some regular features that include the input & feedback section; "People, Places & Things (that aren't there anymore;" "Updates, Oddities & Random Thoughts;" and "What I've Been Reading Lately" (including zines). There's also a report on our latest trips, including a fall trip to Florida (when Hurricane Matthew hit) and another house-related project.

Review by Kris Mininger (produces the perzine Chorrada in Spain):Ken is a retired auto mechanic who lives on Long Island. He’s been involved in zines and APAs for decades. And he’s pretty damn handy around the house. He’s always working on some project. if he isn’t installing additional footings and supports under his deck, he’s making new head rests for his hot tub, or dusting off and fixing something in his basement, like an old film projector. My favorite column is “People, Places & Things (that aren’t there anymore)” where Ken writes about old friends, old neighborhoods, old restaurants he used to frequent, etc. I’m a sucker for nostalgia. There are lots of trip reports, too, as Ken and his wife are retired and Long Island sounds like a pretty chilly place to spend the winter. Ken also reviews what he’s been reading, listening to, drinking, and watching recently. And he gets lots of letters from his readers, so there’s always a nice little back and forth going on in each issue. Ken’s living the dream and I’m glad he’s sharing his adventures with the rest of us. 

Available in the b&w print version, postpaid to the USA
for $3 cash or payable to my PayPal account.
If you purchase the print version, I'll
throw in the FREE full-color PDF version
sent directly to your inbox
(or available on its own for $2).
Contact: Ken Bausert, 2140 Erma Drive, East Meadow, NY 11554.


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