Issue #42 of the Ken Chronicles

Issue #42 was released in February, 2017, and the print version is 28 digest-sized pages in b&w, with a few color photos scattered about. Containing the usual: Input & Feedback; People, Places & Things (that aren't there anymore); What I've Been _______ Lately; and Updates, Oddities & Random Thoughts.

Review by David La Bounty (publisher, Blue Cubicle Press):
There isn’t much I can write about the Ken Chronicles that hasn’t been written more eloquently in previous issues of Xerography Debt. Ken’s perzine is filled with fantastic writing about the past and present moments in his life. My favorite part of every issue is the “What I’ve Been (reading /writing /watching /listening to/and so forth) Lately” column. In this issue, there are a couple of zine reviews, a wine review, and a Leon Russell tribute. Ken’s “Updates, Oddities, & Random Thoughts” column is also a must read. (Pay close attention to a poignant section on mortality buried in the paragraphs of this issue’s column.) And l appreciate the “Input & Feedback” section where Ken not only reprints letters sent to him, but answers questions and offers commentary, giving us more than just a one-sided conversation. (And I found out a little more about DB Pedlar by reading his letter to Ken in this issue. Bonus!) If you like perzines, drop Ken a line. If you don’t, drop him a line anyway. He seems like a cool cat.

 Available in the b&w print version, postpaid to the USA
for $3 cash or payable to my PayPal account.
If you purchase the print version, I'll
throw in the FREE full-color PDF version
sent directly to your inbox
(or available on its own for $2).
Contact: Ken Bausert, 2140 Erma Drive, East Meadow, NY 11554.


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