Issue #44 of the Ken Chronicles

#44 was released at the end of July, 2017, and the print version has 28 digest-sized pages in b&w. It contains more of the usual: readers' comments; People, Places & Things (that aren't there anymore); What I've been _______ Lately; and Updates, Oddities & Random Thoughts. The feature article describes our recent purchase of a Florida condo through an online foreclosure auction.

Review by aj michel (Low Hug, Syndicate Product zines):
     I've been a long-time reader of Ken's zines, stretching back to the PASSIONS APA. He's also contributed thoughtful, moving essays to my zine projects. Each issue of THE KEN CHRONICLES is full of interesting facts, product reviews and recommendations, and photos. I always learn something new from each issue.
     For example, did you know that there used to be a coffin factory in Queens on Atlantic at124th Street? Coffins are one of those products you don't think about much until someone you know needs one. So of course I started wondering, "Gee, where do they make coffins in the US. anymore" which led to Google, and to the few coffin manufacturers left in the US, which then led to the “artisanal” casket and D.|.Y. casket movements.
     In this issue, Ken also explains the intricacies of purchasing a snowbird condo in Florida, applying for a HELOC (Home Equity Line of Credit), registering with the auction company selling foreclosed condos in the development he and his wife were interested in, winning the auction, and getting the unit habitable for the winter.
     This issue rounds out with a long Letters section (a fading feature in zines), what Ken's
watching/reading/drinking, and a trip to a Mets game. Another solid issue from one of the old guard of zine publishers, both in age and time publishing. Worth your time. 

Review by Kris Mininger (Chorrada zine):
     In issue #44 we learn of the passing of fellow zine publisher Rodney Leighton. Ken always includes lots of reviews of what he's been reading, listening to, watching, and drinking recently.(That Key Lime Pie Cocktail sounds like the work of Satan himself.) There is always a lively letters section, too. I‘m a real sucker for a zine with a solid back and forth between the publisher and the readers.

Available in the b&w print version, postpaid to the USA
for $3 cash or payable to my PayPal account.
If you purchase the print version, I'll
throw in the FREE full-color PDF version
sent directly to your inbox
(or available on its own for $2).
Contact: Ken Bausert, 2140 Erma Drive, East Meadow, NY 11554.


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