Issue #45 of the Ken Chronicles

The latest issue of my Ken Chronicles is finished and available to all. Digest-sized and 28 pages, it’s mostly text with b&w photos and a color centerfold. Contains input & feedback from readers, the latest installment of people, places & things that aren’t there anymore, as well as a short story of a recent trip to Acadia National Park. There are also reviews of a book, the Broadway show, “Beautiful,” and several zines. Some random thoughts and stories fill out the rest of this issue.
"Ken's been publishing zines for decades. This is his perzine about life as a retired auto mechanic who splits his time between Long Island and Florida. The column, 'People, Places & Things (that aren't there anymore)' is always my favorite part of the zine." – Kris Mininger (XD #43)
Available in the b&w print version, postpaid to the USA
for $3 cash or payable to my PayPal account.
If you purchase the print version, I'll
throw in the FREE full-color PDF version
sent directly to your inbox
(or available on its own for $2).
Contact: Ken Bausert, 2140 Erma Drive, East Meadow, NY 11554.


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