Issue #46 of the Ken Chronicles

The Ken Chronicles #46, February, 2018 issue, is finished and will be mailed out to trading partners and subscribers in the last week of January. It is 24-pages, including the cover wrap, and contains a few regular features like the letters-of-comment column, and what I've been reading, drinking, and listening to/watching lately.
For a change of pace, there's a new section of "People, Places & Things That Are STILL There," featuring items that have survived adversity or withstood the tests of time. In our Florida condo, I show how I closed up one doorway and installed a new door in a different part of a wall. Of course, there are always Updates, Oddities & Random Thoughts to round out the issue.

 "Overall, calm and friendly, and a very ziney experience." – Donny Smith
"A solid perzine, all around!" – Kris Mininger
"Another solid issue – the Ken Chronicles never disappoints." – Kathy Mosseley
"I want to chime in and say that this remains a favorite perzine. Ken is curious and determined. He is interested in the past and present. He always enjoys life and creating new doorways – literally and metaphorically. I learn something in every issue." – Davida Gypsy Breier, XD $43
Available in the b&w print version on January 25, 2018,
postpaid to the USA for $3 cash or payable to my PayPal account.
If you purchase the print version, I'll
throw in the FREE full-color PDF version
sent directly to your inbox
(or available on its own for $2).
Contact: Ken Bausert, 2140 Erma Drive, East Meadow, NY 11554.


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