Issue #49 of the Ken Chronicles

#49 was the November issue but it was released mid-October for sale and trade.
It's digest-sized, 28-pages (including the cover wrap)
and contains numerous b&w photos throughout;
of course, all images in the PDF version are in color.
This time around, we lead off with a true story by Turid Mann, about meeting an old boy friend of her mother's (who she never really knew since her mom died when she was only 2-years old). Then there's the popular People, Places & Things (that aren't there anymore); a report on a trip up to Silver Lake, in New York's Adirondack Mountains; reviews of books, zines, movies and music; an expose on solar energy scams; Updates, Oddities and Random Thoughts; and 4-pages of readers' comments.

(Here's a sample page.)

Available in the b&w print version for $3, postpaid the the USA,
(which also gets you the color PDF version for free, on request)
or in the PDF version alone for $2
(cash or payments to my PayPal account accepted).
Contact: Ken Bausert, 2140 Erma Drive, East Meadow, NY 11554.


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