Issue #50 – the Ken Chronicles

Starting off the new year – 2019 – with the 50th issue of my Chronicles, a landmark of sorts.
It's digest-sized, 28-pages (including the cover wrap)
and contains numerous b&w photos throughout;
of course, all images in the PDF version are in color.

This time around, we lead off with the popular People, Places & Things (that aren't there anymore) – featuring some special family members, the legendary Hong Fat restaurant in NYC, and a particular purple couch. There's a report on our recent trip to Tacoma, Washington and Vancouver, British Columbia, with some cool photos; then reviews of a book and some zines. I do some ranting in my Updates, Oddities and Random Thoughts; and, of course, 4-pages of readers' comments.
(A sample page is provided below.) 
 "I usually start with Ken's letter on the first page to see how Ken's feeling and where he is headed (usually Florida or New York, depending on the time of the year). I skip the letters section and turn to the People, Places & Things (that aren't there anymore). Then I turn to the Updates, Oddities & Random Thoughts section. Then I put down the zine for a couple of days. With tKC, I like to take my time. After a few days, I'll jump back in to see what travel adventures Ken and Ro have been on, who wrote him a letter, and catch up with what he's been reading, watching or listening to.
Part history zine, part review zine, all perzine, TKC is a must-read. May we be blessed with at least another fifty issues."
  –David La Bounty, in Xerography Debt #46, July, 2019.

"Ken's a retired mechanic who's been publishing zines for decades. This is his excellent perzine. This special 50th issue is a bit of a tearjerker. Ken honors those closest to him, his parents and his brothers, in the 'People, Places & Things (that aren't there anymore)" column. Then he flies out to the Northwest to visit family, catch up with a fellow zine publisher, and smoke some recreational marijuana. He rounds out the issue with reviews of what he's been reading (zines!), a solid letters section, and some very useful info on how to deal with malfunctioning smoke alarms. 
Ken and I used to trade but I haven't put anything out there in a good long while. Now he sends me his zine as a PDF. Pro: high quality color images! Con: Nothing beats holding a paper and ink zine in your hands. So go order yourself a a physical copy of this one while they last.
–Kris Mininger, XD #46, July, 2019.

Available in the b&w print version, postpaid to the USA
for $3 cash or payable to my PayPal account.
(I'm always interested in trades; what have you got?)
If you purchase the print version I'll
throw in the full-color PDF version for FREE,
(or available on its own for $2),
sent directly to your inbox.
Contact: Ken Bausert, 2140 Erma Drive, East Meadow, NY 11554.


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