the Ken Chronicles #56

the Ken Chronicles #56 was released in mid July, 2020.
It's got 28 pages, including the cover wrap, with b&w photos and illos inside.
There's an LOC section; the ever-popular People, Places & Things (that aren't there anymore);
an article on a car that ended its life in a unique way;
some Covid-19 updates; reviews of books, zines and TV; and several other tantalizing tidbits.
 "Classic perzine stylings from Ken, who spends much of this issue discussing his activities during the great Covid quarantine. The Ken Chronicles (like, I suspect, many zines from this year) will someday make a fascinating historical database of how we all responded to the increasingly bizarre circumstances of 2020." – Matt Fagan
"There is lots of friendly back and forth in the lengthy letters section, and that's really what this zine feels like: a long letter from an old friend. Always a great read!." – Kris Mininger
Available in print, postpaid to your US address for $3 (or similar trade),
or as a color PDF file sent to your email inbox for $2 (or similar trade).
Contact: Ken Bausert, 2140 Erma Drive, East Meadow, NY 11554.


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