Termites Ate My Hot Tub (a Ken Chronicles Production #58)

Available January 1st, 2021, is the latest issue in the Ken Chronicles zine group. It's 24 pages, including the cover wrap, and contains new articles on – yes! – how termites ate my hot tub, stories on buying a new computer and keyboard, how to "Get Away From It All," plus all the other features you've come to love so much about the Chronicles – including photos and illustrations.

 "(This issue)... is packed with interesting features." "...I found myself drawn into Ken's world and wanting to learn more about it. That's the sign of a good wordsmith." – Dann Lennard, in XD #50. 
"Always an entertaining read." –Kris Mininger, in XD #50
Available in black & white on paper, postpaid to the USA for $3 or a similar trade, or as a color PDF to your inbox for $2 or similar trade. Order the paper copy and get the PDF version for free!
Contact: Ken Bausert, 2140 Erma Drive, East Meadow, NY 11554. PassScribe@aol.com.


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